SE-HMDS Immunophenotyping Laboratory at King's College Hospital
Laboratory overview
The Immunophenotyping laboratory at Kings College Hospital is a comprehensive haematological malignancy flow cytometry service which provides a broad spectrum of testing for diagnosing, prognosis and monitoring of Chronic and Acute leukemia/lymphoma. As well as the haematological malignancies the SE-HMDS Immunophenotyping Laboratory at Kings College Hospital is also a reference centre for the analysis of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria (PNH). It is UKAS accredited medical laboratory to ISO 15189:2012 standards and in addition to the scientific staff in the laboratory we are supported by a dedicated quality team to ensure the highest standards at all stages of the diagnostic pathway. The laboratory is staffed by 8 full time non rotational scientists who are specialists in leukemia/lymphoma immunophenotyping and have significant experience in complex multiparameter flow cytometry.
As part of the combined South East Haematological Malignancy Diagnostics Service (SE-HMDS) we serve a population of 5.3 million adults (~10% of Great Britain) and in 2015 we performed over 6200 assays. We have been providing immunophenotyping facilities for over two decades and currently serve over 30 hospitals in London and the South-east.
Key features:
- We provide diagnosis and classification of suspected haematological malignancy.
- Leucocyte immunophenotyping is offered to supplement and complement the services provided by cytogenetics and minimal residual disease as part of a comprehensive diagnostic service.
- Diagnosis and monitoring of PNH.
- We use a Becton Dickinson FACSCanto II's with approximately 130 antibodies available for cytometric investigations.
- All flow cytometry studies are carried out using multi-combinations of antibodies labelled with different fluorescent dyes.
- There is currently an annual workload of approximately 6200 samples, and urgent case results can be obtained in under 24hours.
Our current test Request Forms can be seen on the SE Genomics website

SE-HMDS Department at King's College Hospital
Blood Sciences Laboratory
Ground Floor Bessemer Wing
King’s College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Mon-Fri, 9.00am-5.30pm
Last updated: 05/10/2022