Accessibility for all
Synnovis recognises the importance of delivering easily accessible information on this website - available to all, regardless of technology or technical ability.
We prioritise clear content, structure and ease of navigation in order to accommodate a wide range of possible users.
Designing for accessibility means accepting that there is no standard information user, and no standard device for browsing information.
To ensure that this happens, we have programmed our website following published web standards and accessibility guidelines. These guidelines are based on good design practice and exist to ensure that no individual is excluded due to disability or choice of device.
Below, you can find more information about how we apply these standards and guidelines:
Copy Content Considerations
- We aim to ensure all text based content is published on a plain solid background.
- We divide large blocks of information into manageable chunks, using short paragraphs and straight forward sentences.
- We proactively aim to ensure all our core content is accessible, regularly updated, uses plain language and avoids jargon.
- We specify the expansion of each abbreviation or acronym in a document where it first occurs.
- We ensure our web copy makes sense without reference to images or diagrams where possible.
- We support our "calls to action" with icons.
Images, Diagrams and Video
- We aim to provide an appropriate text equivalent for each non-text element of the core content.
- We aim to input alt text for all significant images.
- We encourage the use of instructions with diagrams, and pictures and symbols in addition to text.
- Our audio and video content does not auto-play and where possible we provide subtitles and captions for all rich media.
Technical Considerations
- Our website displays a consistent navigation.
- Our site has been developed using valid HTML and cascading style sheets (CSS).
- Our site content is separated from presentational elements, which makes it available to any visitors that use technologies such as a screen reader or text only browser.
- The site displays correctly in all standard current browsers and by adopting these standards we ensure that it will remain compliant in any future browsers.
- We aim to achieve and maintain levels of accessibility that conform to the WAI Level AA standard, but recognise that this is not always achievable for the entire website.
- Through further development of our web services we strive to improve our compliance and aim to meet as many of the AA guidelines as are achievable.
More information
You may use your browser settings to change the text and zoom size for all the websites that you visit.
The technique for doing this is slightly different depending on the browser that you use - please consult the documentation provided with your browser.
Last updated: 08/10/2013