Haemoglobin Variant Identification
The Red Cell Protein Laboratory can provide a variant identification service based on a comprehensive range of identification methods. Initial analysis is by HPLC which will screen for any haemoglobin variants. Further tests will be performed depending on HPLC results. This could include solubility test, acid electrophoresis or HbH bodies. For uncommon haemoglobin variants further analysis by iso-electric focussing can be undertaken. All samples sent for analysis will get an interpretive comment relevant to the clinical details. Molecular analysis can be undertaken by the Prenatal diagnosis section.
Sample type and Volume required:
Minimum 3 ml EDTA blood. It is recommended a FBC is performed and results sent with sample for interpretive purposes
Turnaround time:
Results available on Results online within 5 working days
Special sample instructions:
Blood transfusion within the last four months will affect results. Any red cell transfusion given must be declared on the request form.
Storage and transport:
Samples can be sent first class post. Samples can tested up to 10 days after collection.
Please contact Business Development for pricing enquiries
Red Cell Centre - Protein Laboratory
020 3299 2455
c/o Central Specimen Reception
Blood Sciences Laboratory
Ground Floor Bessemer Wing
King’s College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Mon-Fri, 9.00am-5.30pm
Blood Sciences Laboratory
Ground Floor Bessemer Wing
King’s College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Mon-Fri, 9.00am-5.30pm
Last updated: 08/01/2020