Dr Malur SudhanvaMBBS MD FRCPath

Dr Sudhanva is employed by the King's College NHS Foundation Trust and covers the clinical, diagnostic and strategic aspects of South London Specialist Virology Centre, Synnovis virology laboratory. On Mondays, he works at RIPL, PHE Porton Down as Honorary Consultant Virologist.
He trained in JIPMER in Puducherry, India, WOSSVC in Glasgow, UK and SPU in Johannessburg South Africa. His special interests include transplant virology, travel related virology and operational aspects of diagnostics.
In addition, he is also an UK Imported Fever Service consultant, FRCPath virology examiner, lectures King's College London medical students.
Clinical Virology Network.
American Society for Microbiology.
Scottish Microbiology Association.
Last updated: 04/01/2023