Trace Elements Laboratory at King's College Hospital
Laboratory overview
Our Trace Elements laboratory at Kings’ College Hospital provides specialist assay and interpretation service for a range of essential, non-essential and toxic elements in serum/plasma, whole blood, urine and tissues. Since introducing state-of-the-art Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS), our test repertoire has greatly expanded.
Key features:
- The laboratory is one of only 7 Supra-Regional Assay Service (SAS) designated Trace Element laboratories in the UK (
- The reliability of the data produced is monitored by regular analysis of a range of commercially available and in-house quality control samples.
- We actively participate in various external quality assessment schemes including United Kingdom National External Quality Scheme (UK NEQAS) and Ensuring the Quality of Iodine Procedures (EQUIP) scheme.
- The laboratory is also approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for the occupational monitoring of lead and cadmium.
- Our Biochemistry department is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory no. 9067 and has a major interest in metal metabolism, and in particular iron and copper metabolism.
- We have close links with the Institute of Liver Studies, and have ongoing collaborative studies on metal metabolism in patients with genetic disorders such as haemochromatosis and Wilson disease.
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Last updated on 13/11/2013
Wednesday, 20 April, 2016
Salota R
Omar S
Dr Kishor Raja
Consultant Scientist

Toxicology Operational Lead

Reference Chemistry and Immunology Quality Manager
Toxicology Department at King's Hospital
020 3299 5881
King's College Hospital
Bessemer Wing - 3rd Floor
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Bessemer Wing - 3rd Floor
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Trace Elements Laboratory at King's College Hospital
020 3299 3008
King's College Hospital
Bessemer Wing - Top Floor
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Bessemer Wing - Top Floor
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Last updated: 13/11/2013