Anti Tetanus Toxoid Antibodies (IgG)

This antibody is one of a group of antibodies commonly referred to as “functional antibodies”. The others in this designation are anti-Haemophilus influenzae type b, anti-pneumococcal and anti-Diphtheria toxin antibodies.

Functional antibodies are a more sensitive tool than either total serum IgG or IgG subclasses in detecting patients who fail to respond to natural infection or antigenic challenge.

Tetanus toxoid is, unlike pneumococcal capsular antigens, a protein antigen and as such is a T cell dependent antigen. The ability to respond to Tetanus is not an age dependent phenomenon and also may be seen as an indirect assessment of T and B cell cooperation. In cases where immunisation is performed we recommend that both pre and post immunisation samples are assessed in the same assay.

The basal protective level of IgG antibody is reported as 0.01 iu/ml, the optimal 0.1 iu/ml.

Serum stored at 4°CC should be sent by first class post
Sample type and Volume required: 
Yellow SST
Turnaround time: 
15 working days
Special sample instructions: 

All tests are compromised by prolonged transit times. For this reason, date of bleed and date of postage must be provided with each request.

Immunisation history with dates must be given with all requests for \Specific Antibodies\"",Serum stored at 4°C should be sent by first class post,,,,,Immunology Laboratory at King's,Department of Immunology and Allergy,Viapath at King's College Hospital,,,
Anti Tissue Transglutaminase antibodies,The enzyme tissue transglutaminase is the target of autoantibodies found in the serum of patients with coeliac disease (CD). Anti-tTG antibodies of the IgA isotype are very sensitive and specific markers of CD. There are eight described isoforms of the enzyme tTG and it is isoforms 2 that is significant in CD. Isoform 3 appears to be the target in dermatitis herpetiformis. The ELISA based assay is compromised in IgA deficiency hence knowledge of the patient IgA status is recommended (we are able to offer IgA serum concentration if required). In cases of IgA deficiency we offer IgG anti-tTG. Due to its high sensitivity anti-tTG is a good screening test for CD but we routinely perform anti-endomysial antibodies on all positive anti-tTG sera due to the higher specificity of this assay and would recommend this algorithm to clients.,,,Yellow SST,,4 working days,15 days,All tests are compromised by prolonged transit times. For this reason

Storage and transport: 
date of bleed and date of postage must be provided with each request."
Department of Immunology and Allergy
Time limit for extra tests: 
15 days
For clinical advice or interpretation of results, please contact the laboratory in the first instance.

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Last updated: 07/08/2015